Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Cray Cray

Wow, so remember my last post how different my life has been?? Well...yeah... still is :)
I guess you could say I'm "dating" this guy in my old ward :) hahaha Never imagined that in a million years, but it's fun! Cray-cray right there ;) 
Right now, I'm spending my life working, working on 2 summer online classes (to graduate a semester early!! WOO!!), and any free time with Zac (the guy in muh ol' ward). :D But when work schedules you for 35+ hours...even after requesting no more than 30... it's hard to find time for the other stuff. Since you have to sleep of course. Darn sleep. You know how much more you could get without sleep!? I'm thinkin I gotta find a vampire friend here perty soon... haha ;) 
So far though, this summer has been great! I got stuff planned, that I'm super stoked about. I'm visiting my aunt Holly in South Dakota for a couple days, hiking HAVASUPAI again!, San Diego with the fam, camping trips... ;) fun stuff! :D My family is going camping next weekend, and I was all bummed because I didn't think I could go. Bbbuuuttttt, I might be able to now! :D woo!! Ahh :)
The only thing about a fun that it goes by quick. Then school starts again. But cray-cray again...I'll (and some of ya'll..sorry bryndee ;)  ) will be SOPHOMORES. Dang, one year of college under our sleevies! Time flies! And, like I briefly mentioned, I'm set after this summer to graduate a semester early..which means in January I'll be a junior. Whoa. :S ahhh! kinda scary right thurr... 

dang, I keep talkin lil bit like a gangsta... guess that's what college and English 101-102 teaches me?  ha, except I throw proper punctuation in there... ha kinda weird. But hey, who isn't!? ;) haha ok, it isn't really gangsta talk, just weird slang. but I like calling myself a gangsta ;) 

ok, this was pretty much a ramble. so I'll just stop now. ;)

Here's to the FUTURE!! AHH!!! :)

Miss all of you!

PS: Sarah--we should re-name this the Sarah/Kami blog... ;) hehe just kiddin ;)

Monday, May 14, 2012

I'll call you back, I'm gonna go run the Rocky Steps!

So, this past weekend my team traveled to Philadelphia for the Dad Vail Regatta; it's a huge meet where crews from all over the East Coast come to race.  And, out of the 54 boats that were entered for the Freshman Four, our boat took 4th place overall!!  We were only two and a half seconds away from tying with third place (which kinda sucks) but for our first year that's pretty awesome!  Not a bad way to end my freshman year.  =)
The river we were racing on was only a few minutes away from the steps that Rocky ran in the movie, so we all got out of the bus and ran the steps!  It was pretty fun and now I have a fun story to share. =D
So now I am officially free of obligations for the summer--no school or rowing practices until the end of August, but I will be doing lotsa babysitting for $$$.  My next-door neighbors are interested on setting up a reoccurring date with me so that will be awesome.  Makin' bank!
I'm really looking forward to next semester.  I know it's only May and this summer is going to be a blast, but I made some great friends this year and we are all rooming on the same floor come August.  It's going to be so much fun!!
I hope everyone enjoyed their first year of college and has a fantastic summer!!

Saturday, April 28, 2012


Ya know what's weird? When life takes a big swing and flips everything you were used to completely around.
Bentley and I started going running at night..and you know what? What we talk about is like *magic* or something. Haha, I know, I know, it sounds crazy. But lemme explain.
We talked about how [sarcastically] we should be more desirable to all those boys, I mean, who doesn't want some crazy girls who giggle all the time?? ;) We say how we kinda wish we went on a few more dates than we had, ya know, just to get out and do stuff.
THEN GUESS WHAT HAPPENS?! Bentley gets asked to prom. I get asked out on a date my someone in my institute class. Like almost around the same time. But, both are "eh." ...not in a mean way ;) So the next time we go out, we say "ok, we were JUST talking about this..and now we got these guys. why not someone we could enjoy a bit??" ;) hahaha
This "magic" took a little longer. Prom guy keeps talking and being weird to Bentley. Institute guy asks me out again.. and I don't know what to do. THEN.... THEN this is weird.
Within a couple of days, I go out with a RM from my old ward, and really had fun. And Bentley gets asked to Mormon Prom by the guy she was wanting. Seriously, this happened again within a couple days. It's weird stuff right there.

It's just funny..because she's been 16 since August and hadn't been on a date and now has 2 prom dates. I hadn't gone out since November (got set up on a blind date) and before that was like May. Now I went on like 3 dates within like 2 weeks.

We kinda want to keep running... because it's fun. But we are watching what we talk about now.. You never know what will happen from it!! It may be fun now, but things can easily change to the we experienced.

But for now, I'll enjoy myself :)

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Muh Cruise

I went on a cruise last weekend!!! :D It was a surprise for my familia, and everyone thought it was Disneyland or something :) It was great :) Except I knew since the very beginning..because I had to figure out my work and school schedules :) Muahahaha!
I got to try escargot, lobster, alligator, and they were all perty yumma!
I got sick for half of one of the days, because it was SO wavy and I couldn't stand up without feeling dizzy. Half us kiddos got sick that day. Porter exploded threw up twice. It was kinda nasty, but pretty funny too ;)
We stopped in Ensenada, Mexico where we showed off our bartering skills. I even unintentionally bartered once. A lady told me a bracelet was $2, so I put it down (to look at a different one) and she's like "ok! $1!!" Ha, sweet! ;)
Overall, twas pretty good time.
I wanna go on more cruises now!! :)
I just wish it was warmer, I had my mind set on getting a nice tan while we were there, but no, it was cloudy and cold the whole time!!

Friday, March 9, 2012


SOOOoooo, I met with da counsela! :D :D :D :D :D
It was my goal all along to graduate a semester early, but when I declared Education as my major, I figured it probably wouldn't work because of the student-teaching and such. BUT, I asked the counselor yesterday, and I CAN. :D All I have to do is take 2 classes this summer, then my classes in the Fall, THEN, come January, I CAN ACTUALLY START! :D YIPPEE!! Which means, in like 2 1/2 years, December of 2014, I'll be graduated ;)
But, I'll probably work at the bank as long as I can. ;) Ha, it's a good job, and I'll use teaching as a back-up for later in life ;)

Tuesday, March 6, 2012


It seems like everyone but me knew that ASU has started class registration for fall 2012... hehe oops! :) My friends were talking about it today (and they're in honors so they get to sign up early) and I had NO IDEA! I don't really look at the ASU website for more than 2 seconds while I click on my class to get transferred to BlackBoard.. so I was outta the loop. I usually get annoyed with people like this, thinking it's so fake that they just "didn't know" but now I know, THEY [MAY] JUST BE TELLING THE TRUTH. Ha, oh well. I'm not late or anything, tomorrow was my scheduled day to sign up anyways, and I got a counselor appointment for tomorrow, so that worked out grand. 
I'm still trying to decide if it's good or bad, but I'm about a semester early of credits. Good, because I could graduate early. Bad, because I don't know if I can. Since I have to student teach, I assume I have to go with the school year schedule, starting in the fall. Which means my sophomore spring semester I'll have no classes to take and no student teaching to start. But I HAVE to take classes or I'll lose my scholarship. It's kinda frustrating..but I'll find out more info tomorrow when I talk to the counselor. I hope all my problems are solved and I can start student teaching early. THAT, and that I'm allowed to work and student teach at the same time. That would make all my dreams come true.
Well, not all of them. :) Just the ones occupying my mind at the moment. ;)
Our Spring Break is in 2 weeks!! WOOP!! BUT, I'm taking off Thursday and Friday next week (and I already have work off Wednesday for some reason) :) so like one more week and I'm FREEEEeeee!!! ;) Then, I only have like 5 weeks of school left, and Ima sophomore ;) 
Wow, college life goes way faster than high school life. It's kinda crazy! But kinda nice! :) 

Adios amigos, farewell my friends.

Friday, March 2, 2012

On the Road

So I don't know if it is spring break for you guys, but it is for me! My team is going to leave Chapel Hill around 4:00 to drive up to Lake Lure, NC and it's about a 4 hour drive. Honestly, though, I think it will be a lot of fun. It's been a while since I've gone on a car trip with that many people, haha.
But I found out more about our practice schedule. We practice twice a day every day, for about 2-3 hours each practice. We even practice on Sunday, which kinda stinks. It's going to be a little chilly but not as cold as it could be, so that's good. And on the 10th we have our very first scrimmage! I'm excited to race for the first time, but I'm scared, too. Mainly of the other boats and crashing into them. I guess a "scare tactic" some coxswains use is to get really close to your boat to try and force you off of your course. That's no bueno. I know that I probably won't crash, but still. =S
I'll try and post sometime in the middle of the week so I can tell you guys how it's going. All I can say, is that we better have internet there. Otherwise about 60 college students are going to be really bored. Haha
Hope everything is going well with you guys! Love you!

Sunday, February 26, 2012

OOOoooogggaaa Boooogggggaaaa lkjfa;soie

I must say, Sundays are pretty much amazing and my favorite day of the week. It's the day I can sit and enjoy life, instead of having it fly right past me. 

Have any of ya'll seen Somewhere In Time?? It's such a great movie, I'm sitting here watching it right now. If you haven't, you should. Because it's AMAZING.

We had the missionaries over for dinner today. Ha, that was fun :) It's so weird to be almost the same age as missionaries. It's also weird to have a lot of my friends on missions, and in the next year or so, they'll all be gone! (or at least they better be!!!) ;) 

Short post for today, but that's about all I gotta say.

Have a great week!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Que pasa???

So, you guys. I know I was already like this before, but it has gotten worse. I have something important to say. I am an NAIL ART. =D
Haha, ya.
But it is way fun! And I have three roommates/suitemates to be my guinea pigs!! Muhahaha!
Let's see what my spring break is coming up soon! Although it won't be much of a break for me. My team is going to be training the entire time. T.T I mean it's good that we get the practice in, but it's our ENTIRE spring break. It kinda stinks. Hopefully we'll have fun with it though.
Other than that there's nothing new going on. School and the like. Although it did snow Sunday night! It didn't stick or anything, but we got to see it fall and cover up the cars in the parking lot. I just love seeing snow. C=
Hope you are all doing well!

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Am I All Alone??

Ok, that random title is only half-random. It's meant to tell ya'll that NO ONE ELSE IS POSTING!! ;)

So, I SAW WICKED! And oh, how I loved it so. It was amazing, and now I want to go see it again. <3

uhh.. That's pretty much it. :)


Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Hakuna Matata

Guess. What. Bentley texted me yesterday, saying she had an extra credit assignment to give pick-up lines related to science. So, I was helping her out, and found some HARRY POTTER PICK UP LINES. They're pretty much amazing.
My name may not be Luna, but I sure know how to Lovegood!
If you were a Dementor, I'd be a criminal just to have your kiss
My love for you burns like a dying phoenix
Are you using the Confundus Charm, or are you just mind-blowing?

Ain't those wunnnderful??! Hahaha, oh pick-up lines. They're my favorite ;)

So, not much new still. I'm seeing WICKED on Saturday, should be fun! I've never seen it!! :O

Well, nuff fo today. Peace.

PS--Happy [belated] Valentines Day! <3


Monday, February 6, 2012

No Pennies On The Robot's Ankles?

No one else is posting... :(
But I will again!! :D
February is an interesting month. It's where a lot of stuff starts up. It all seems to deal with oranges too... um..that's enough for now about that. It's all stuff I can't share publicly on the Internet. No drama [hopefully], and just lotsa fun. But this February is way similar to last! ;)
I take back what I said about remembering BIO from Torrey.. ha. I thought with this teacher I have now, I'd have this second chance of learning and everything would finally make sense. NO. I was wrong.
I have completed 4 weeks of this semester. LAME. It needs to be 4 less. or better yet--none left! :D Ha....
I feel like a genius--I am doing a research paper for my English class....the same one I did last semester for English! AP skills are comin back to me, eh? hehehe
Hope ya'll have a great week!! :)

PS--I'm obsessed with WordsWithFriends and ScrambleWithFriends... so if you're ever bored.. :) my username is ksevertson--or you can find me through Facebook.